Verruca Treatment

If you suspect you have a verruca firstly you need a podiatrist to diagnose it.

You will need to book a routine treatment during which we will take a medical history, discuss the options with you and treat any other foot problems.

They can be mistaken for corns and the treatment for each is quite different.

A Verruca is a wart on the foot.

They do not need to be treated and most will resolve without assistance within 2 years, especially in children. If you do wish to treat them, a number of preparations are available from the pharmacy which provide the mildest and least invasive options for treatment.

If you do come to clinic we use various acids to treat Verrucas, and we will be happy to discuss the benefits of each. There are also a number of alternative options for treating verrucas, and we can assess the most suitable option for you and if necessary refer you to a colleague at another clinic.

We are happy to arrange home visits, whether it be to your own home, a care home or a retirement village. Feel free to either phone us or use our contact form to get in touch!

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